Oliver Twist Novel by Charles Dickens Characters & Theme

True Blue Guide
2 min readMay 24, 2020


The novel

‘Oliver Twist’ is written by Charles Dickens. This is a story of corruption, bad condition and violence. Novel occurs at the filthy place where weather is cold. The novel deals with poverty and crime. Oliver Twist is the main character of the novel who faces the violence and exploitation. This novel includes various themes as Good and evil, child labour, crime, poverty, corrupted society.

Exploitation and Violence is another major theme of the novel. In this novel we see that how Oliver face the exploitation from the birth to the end of the novel. First after death his mother, he is exploited by Mr Bumble in the workhouse. After that he is exploited at the berry’s house and in London. He is exploited by Fagin, Monks, Bill Sikes etc.

Poverty is one major theme in Oliver Twist. In this novel Dickens shows the terrible effects of poverty on person’s life. We saw the condition of poverty in the novel that when in the workhouse Oliver says his master, “Please Sir” I want some more. When Mrs. Berry give the left out food of the dog to Oliver, it also presents the poverty. By the Novel Dickens shows the cruel heart of wealthy people towards poors.

Throughout the novel, Dickens confronts the questions of whether the terrible environments. He depicts have the power to soul and change its hue forever. Character life like Sikes and Fagin seems to have sustained permanent damage to their moral sensibilities. Yen even skies has a conscience. Charley Bates maintains enough of a sense of decency to try to capture Sikes. Of Course, Oliver is above any corruption, though novel removes him from unhealthy environments relatively early in his life. Nancy considers herself lost almost beyond redemption, ends up the ultimate sacrifice for a child she hardly knows. In contrast Monks, Perhaps the novel’s most in the human villain.

By the end of the novel, all characters of the novel have faced Justice Oliver, Rose and all good characters live happily and Sikes and Fagin have both been hanged. Although good characters deserve the happiness they get and bad characters deserve their own ends. Thus the novel “Oliver Twist” deals with the method of justice so it is also an important theme of the novel.

In the end, we say that the novel “Oliver Twist” deals with the various themes which shows the society of England so his novel is known as the social novel.

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Originally published at https://www.trueblueguide.com on May 24, 2020.

